Elderly Royal Guard standing near Queen’s coffin Faints

Westminster Hall incident, now changing duty of guards every 20 minutes

Queen Elizabeth’s coffin arrived at Westminster Hall in London on 14 September. Here people will be able to have the last darshan of the Queen for the next 2 days i.e. till 18th September. Meanwhile, a guard guarding here suddenly fell. He was standing next to the Queen’s coffin.

The video of this incident went viral on social media. It can be seen in the video that a Royal Guard wearing a black uniform suddenly fainted and fell to the ground. After the fall of the Royal Guard, the other guards present there run towards them and try to lift it. After a while the guard who fell on the ground regains consciousness and he gets up and stands again in his place.

The British Royal Guard is constantly on duty to protect the Queen's coffin. During this, a guard fainted.
The British Royal Guard is constantly on duty to protect the Queen’s coffin. During this, a guard fainted.

Queen’s funeral to be held at Westminster Abbey in London

Queen Elizabeth died in Scotland on 8 September. His funeral will take place on 19 September at Westminster Abbey as per royal tradition. His body was brought from Balmoral Castle in Scotland to Buckingham Palace in London on 14 September.

This is a picture of Westminster Abbey. The Queen’s funeral will take place here.

500 VIPs from all over the world will attend the Queen’s funeral

About 500 leaders from around the world will attend the Queen’s funeral. It will include President Joe Biden of America, leaders of Commonwealth countries and the Royal Family of Europe and other leaders of the world. No leaders have been invited from Belarus and Myanmar, including Russian President Vladimir Putin.

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